Dr No | Pan | Movie Tie In | X237

Dr No | Pan | Movie Tie In | X237. This artwork was used for the 6th to 9th printings (Great Pan on cover)
This artwork was used for the 6th to 9th printings (Great Pan on cover)
Dr No | Pan | Movie Tie In | X237. This artwork was used for the 9th to 14th printings (no Great Pan on cover)
This artwork was used for the 9th to 14th printings (no Great Pan on cover)
Dr No | Pan | Movie Tie In | X237. Dr No movie tie in rear cover
Dr No movie tie in rear cover
Dr No | Pan | Movie Tie In | X237. The three different spines
The three different spines

06. Dr. No

Author : Ian Fleming
Publisher : Pan / Great Pan
Format : Paperback
Series : Pan Movie Tie In
Edition : 6th to 14th printings
Year : 1962 (first published with this artwork)
Country published : UK
Relevant article : pan-movie-tie-in-mti-series

Editions and pricing variants found with this artwork

The following editions have been found: 6th printing 1962. Great Pan to cover and X335 to spine. Copies found with: (Note that the X335 printed to the spine is probably a mistake. Copies prior to the 6th and after are G335. The G is price code for 2/6 whilst X is 3/6. This edition is the only one found with X and a price of 2/6) 7th printing 1962. Great Pan to cover and G335 to spine. Copies found with: 8th printing 1962. Great Pan to cover and G335 to spine. Copies found with: Note the 9th printing can be found with 2 different covers / prices 9th printing 1963. Great Pan to cover and G335 to spine. Copies found with: 9th printing 1963. Great Pan to cover and X237 to spine. Copies found with: 10th printing 1963. Great Pan to cover and X237 to spine. Copies found with: 11th printing 1963. Great Pan to cover and X237 to spine. Copies found with: 12th printing 1963. Great Pan to cover and X237 to spine. Copies found with: 13th printing 1964. Great Pan to cover and X237 to spine. Copies found with: 14th printing 1964. Great Pan to cover and X237 to spine. Copies found with: One copy has been found of the 16th printing 1964 with 60c price printed to the cover

Collectors notes

​Due to the mistake with the 6th edition there are 3 slightly different cover designs to collect. There is the 6th edition with Great Pan on the cover and X335 to the spine. The 7th and 8th have Great Pan on the cover and G335 to the spine. From the 10th on there is no Great Pan and X237 is on the spine and front cover. The 9th edition is a transitional printing which can be found both with Great Pan and without on the cover. See photo showing the 3 different designs.

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